Monday, May 25, 2009

Working for flowery bounty

I know, deep down, there will be a time soon, probably on a 100 degree day in August, when I will look around my dry dusty and dead yard and wonder where my energy went.  I will question my sanity when I committed acts of prolific planting way back at the end of May as I struggle to clear out burned and neglected plant debris

Right now though I enjoy the warming dirt in my hands, the young shoots being planted, and am fed with the hopes of summer blooms.  I add an herb here and there, a few onions.  After all we can't live on the beautyalone, must have radishes.

The sweat feels good after a cold wet winter.  The pull of muscles promise to provide me with a sensory talisman in the next few days.  Its ok, better to garden and ache than to not garden at all.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weekend Kntting

Bored with the Forever shawl I started a top down sweater with some wonderful handpainted silk blend yarn I bought at the Knit & Crochet show.  Angel, of course, is helping from on top of my head as usual.  The yarn is from Tootsiep, out of Laguna Beach.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

no blog

I am sick and my symptoms are too unpleasant to share.  I am assured by online symptom checker (Web MD)  that death is not imminent.  I am not so certain.  My recourse blog today and I return to bed.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm coming down with a metaphor ----o what a tangled web.

I spent almost three hours obsessed with untangling a tangled web of yarn. On the outside my yarn ball had looked like a perfectly normally wound ball, nice and neat.  About 6 inches into a simply lovely selfstriping silk yummy pair of socks, or at least they had the promise of becoming that, the yarn stopped.  I yanked.  I pulled harder, hoping the thread wouldn't break.  I started digging around for the source of the problem.  There it was.  I pulled it out.  With that one little stuck thread I drew about half the inner guts of the yarn ball.  Snarled.

I can do this, I thought.  SO I slowly, painstakingly loosened all the knots.  Grabbed at one little piece and tried to follow it, pausing for another that was knotted onto it, loosening that, seeing where another one led.

Three hours later the knotted yarn completely dominated the corner of the den.  My cat was eyeing me hopefully.  "A new game, a toy for me"  At least that's what I imagined him thinking.
A bit longer I lingered.  Sadly, I put the mess aside onto my desk.  Another day maybe I can find a way to salvage that wonderful silk thread.  

The metaphors this incident can elicit in my imagination are so many, I hesitate.  I think I will let the reader pull out her own.  Bet there is some corner of your life where the effort at untangling the thread could be used as a pedantic metaphor.  or something.  For me the metaphor will illustrate my life's efforts and hopes only when it gets untangled.  

Excerpt taken from Milan Kundera's "The Unbearable Being of Lightness" (HaperPerennial 1999)

"The secret strength of its[the word, compassion] etymology floods the word with another light and gives it a broader meaning: to have compassion (co-feeling) means not only to be able to live with the other's misfortune but also to feel with him any emotion - joy, anxiety, happiness, pain. This kind of compassion (in the sense ofsoucitwspółczucie; Mitgefühlmedkänsla) therefore signifies the maximal capacity of affective imagination, the art of emotional telepathy. In the hierarchy of sentiments, then, it is supreme."

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

Spent half the day with my daughter, driving up the Columbia Gorge to the picturesque small town of Hood River.  Of Course we went all the way up the Gorge to do a very un-extraordinary thing of visiting a local yarn store.  Now there is absolutely nothing a yarn store could have that either of us need. As I have said elsewhere I have more yarn than I can possibly use in my remaining lifetime.  We were not deterred by such things as not really NEEDING anything.   We petted many lovely, locally grown and spun yarns; some sock yarn popped into my hands and I found myself buying a couple of items before we left town in a hurry.

It has been one of those o so beautiful days when everyone walks around in a daze from so few recent experiences with sunshine.  This is the kind of day when everyone uses phrases like, "isn't it gorgeous?"  and "What a glorious day!"  Very original.  But what a beauty of a day, with a perfect temperature and the colors  crisp and bright.  Later the frequency of the sunny days will fade the vividness of the colors, but not yet.  Now the greens are vivid and the blues electric.  

Anyone reading this from another part of the country may not be familiar with the Columbia Gorge.  If not let me share a typical photo of Rowena in the Gorge from a brochure and another one found on the internet  A simple google search produces hundreds.  None of my photos, or these  do the Gorge justice. ITs worthy of a three dimensional 360 degree look.

As pleasant as the view of the green  forests, the mountains, and the Columbia River, the best part was having a lovely time with my daughter.  Nice to be able to say my daughter is also my very good friend.  As much as I appreciated the gift she gave me today (a clever, sweet bag she knitted and lined) ;the  best Mother's Day recognizing what a great friend my daughter has become.  

I'll be deep, properly cynical,  and attempt  to be clever another day, I feel  simply very good and very grateful  today.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Knitter's Review - A Calendar of Knitting Events and Fiber Festivals

Throughout the Country there are knitting events this month.. Here in Portland the annual Knit & Crochet festival is coming to the Doubletree on May 14-17. I attended last year and expanded my stash with affordable and luscious baby alpaca as well as a wonderful pair of exotic and unique custom made needles. They also have a variety of great classes, but the exhibition is a big draw.
see this Knitter's Review - A Calendar of Knitting Events and Fiber Festivals for the larger event list and for info about the upcoming Portland event.