Angel is a common name given to Cockatoos, its a name assigned to it before the bird's devilish nature has been revealed.
Yes, she looks innocent in this picture, but don't you believe it. A few minutes after this shot was taken, while I left the room for just a few brief moments, Angel ate my house. Not the whole thing, but the molding around the windows in the kitchen lay splintered and strewn around the floor. Right now she is doing a rather garish, expressive cockatoo dance because she does not want to share my time with the dog, the cat, or the computer. ( Where is the video camera when one truly needs one?) In addition to chewing wood and flitting from chair to sofa, and TV top, she is jumping on my head and screaming in a manner that is causing my ears to ring. I am certain her complaints can be heard from the other side of town. My sanity is becoming questionable
Devilish bird.
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