I didn't always get it. For most of my life I didn't place much value in intimate friendships, certainly not with other women. Career, fun, money worries, child-raising frets, emoting over romance problems or possibilities; these things seemed important. Spending time sharing with friends and daughters just didn't measure up to all those pressures. Not then.
Now... a few minutes laughing over shared memories and planning future outings with a close friend, or time spent in the early morning with my daughter knitting seems so essential to my well-being.
So today was a good day,
Breathe out the bad air, breathe in gratitude for all that is good, and for friends
I love walking on days like today. Today after hugging my friend good-bye at her car, I walked a mile down Broadway, among the wet leaves, in the fall drizzle. I realized I know business owners or employees in most of the business along my path. I know them well enough to ask after their families, the most recent tumult and share with them hopes for improved business during the holiday season.
I recognize some of the people walking by and sometimes one stoped to exchange pertinent small talk and smiles. Couldn't always remember the name, but it felt good to have these brushes with familiarity.
This is the " Sense of Place" I always said I wanted one day. When I moved to Portland with my daughter, I was 17 years old and on my own. I had never lived one place for any significant length of time. I hadn't yet developed any skills at crafting mutually nourishing bonds with others. I had never successfully sustained a relationship of any sort, in fact.
I am learning. Not real skilled at it yet. But I am improving.
And I always, always breathe a breath of gratitude while I work at it.
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