Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Politics of Knitting

I have had a few issues with typical knitting technique instructions. One has been their propensity for telling me that a twisted stitch is achieved by knitting through the back loop. More than half the time that is not true for me, I get a nice flat stitch when knitting through the back loop and a twisted one when knitting through the front loop. But not always. The key to my style is its consistent erratic nature; I can discern the method and the fabriced outcome meets the intent but the path of the work varies each time I pick up the sticks.

Another issue I have had with typical instructions is being told to wrap a thread "Clockwise" or conversely "counterclockwise" In my mind left and right or counterclockwise all depends on one's perspective and from which of many direction you are looking.

I seldom find anyone sharing my confusion, though.

Until now.

I am reading a book, titled "Knitting for Anarchists". The author tells me I am not alone, and that the important way to knit is through the leg of the stitch that is in front of the body of the stitch, closest to the needle point. ...and that works. She urges readers to avoid knitting from any particular ideology and develop the techniques that achieve the knitting fabric YOU like. Its good advice, but best followed after one has explored the various options. Personally I am practicing Peruvian Knitting. There is an interesting video of the Peruvian technique on YOUTUBE.

I thrive on change, and work at the discipline to establish some kind of consistency.
Like our political identities, we are defined as knitters by our attitude toward change. I am a confirmed liberal with a dash of revolutionary thrown in when the time is right for it...when faced with tyranny,
Haven't read many chapters yet the book, but this promises to be a good read.

But on an easier topic.....
Spring is here, as is evidenced by the rose shown in today's post.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A new day a new way

Pick a thread and when followed backward, the structure of the piece is revealed. Any thread will do to untangle it. Both hands are needed and if done with appropriate caution and lifelines, improvements can be made. Is there a parallel with my pattern of life?
One unravels too much and the yarn loses its integrity and starts to come apart. Not enough and the mistake may not be recognized for what it is.
The creator of the mistake is the one most likely to spot it when all is said and done.
Yes, I can belabor a metaphor.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

On knitting and random ramblings

I am ready for another project to fall back on since the forever shawl seems to be going on FOREVER, I need something else for interest. I usually have a pair of socks on the needles, but as warm weather approaches its hard to get excited about socks.

However, I have some Panda bamboo silk blend that would make a very pleasing pair of spring socks. Maybe the periwinkle socks shown in Ravelry, they are pretty and several Ravelry members have them shown in completed projects. Heres the link, But if I am knitting a pair of socks requiring thought I will also need a pair in process needing none. Three projects in process seems about right.

My mind is rather unfocused. It is traipsing around between my current book, a little housework, knitting and planning new knitting, and skyping with my daughter. All of course with a cockatoo on my head. I must find a moment to file her claws, My scalp is getting scratched.
"The fruition of a committed yoga practice is the capacity to deeply relax the inner struggle with life's paradoxes" (from, INSIGHT YOGA, by Sarah Powers.).I must admit to rather enjoying the energy of exploring and struggling with paradoxes. I know I am guided to relax but I find it boring after a few minutes. I am afraid I am a long way from any semblance of enlightenment.
But perhaps the difficulty is with the word 'relax'. In English it sounds passive. I suspect peace and serenity arent passive. I suspect being joyous with paradoxes presented to us in life maybe another way of approaching the reality of them (the paradoxes).
When I can make better sense of what I just wrote I will be back to edit.


a morning thought

The lovely picture of balance was copied from

Although seeking balance is a desireable goal, I am not unique in fearing boredom with the same intensity as I seek balance.

As I practice the asana known as the stork, I realize that standing upright on one leg without wobbling is the objective . Feeling the grace and the comfort of that pose done correctly is an apt metaphor for the balance I seek in my inner being as well. Living on the ledge with a well planted foot

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This is just a corner of the "forever shawl" not a clear pic since it was done by the webcam in poor light with one corner of the unfinished shawl being held in my mouth. It has a simple diamond pattern and is a rather dense very fundamental lace pattern with a 20 row 10 stitch repeat. I am trying this because of so many failures with intermediate level lace. I decided to go back to kindergarten. Once I master this, and given its eventual size I will have plenty of opportunity to perfect my techniques; I will then be ready for something a little more challenging. I hope.
The forever shawl is actualliy titled, A Beginners Triangle, in a wonderful lace book, A GATHERING OF LACE, by Amy Detjen. I will insert a better photo when completed. That was a hopeful statement.

yoking the serenity to today

What has arrived in life today? Feeling refreshed from the beachtrip, I was confronted by a house that has been occupied by two young men for three days without a person to remind them to clean-up. The results are obvious. This is what happens when grandma (me)makes a habit of cleaning it up instead of waiting for them to get it done.

On another topic husband, Steve, had a small seizure this morning. Anxious about what that portends, I have changed my plans for the day and will be staying home. Facing the mess.

Would rather knit on the forever shawl... a name I coined for it since it takes FOREVER to finish

I will first confront the dust, then the tracked in dirt and spilled food in the kitchen.

Epiphanies and serenity so recently experienced starts to evaporate amidst the humdrum, drama, and screeches from the cockatoo. What good is it if I can't access serenity when its most needed? That is what the practice is all about. The discipline. Breathe, find the peace...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yoked :Binding together Mind, Body, Spirit

Yoke, yoga. Binding Together Mind, Body, and Spirit

I am aware of the tendencies of those aspects of who I am, possessing a willful capacity to fly apart. Yoga, it so happens, provides a method of bringing them into a harmonious whole.

I experience, painfully, my fracturedness on a daily basis. I am certain most of humanity experiences it as I do. I am hardly unique in that fact, hence the evolution of yoga in many traditions as a tool to cope.
Today I practice the savasanah, and the child pose, and the dragonfly….but most importantly I will breathe deeply and with joy face my day. Comfortable with the the interplay of diverse parts that make up that which is me.My fingers have finally settled into the simple lace pattern of the shawl I am working on, and the silk cotton blend is flying smoothly through my fingers. Also a yogic meditation.
I must leave this place in a few hours. I start the ritual soon of cleaning up the vestiges of our stay, vacuuming the sand, the birdfood, washing dishes, smoothing the bed with clean crisp sheets. On the deck with my purple mat, I will awkwardly practice my asanas, and breathe a deep breath of ocean breeze. And say goodby.

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009
So there are varying perspectives, ways to view the surroundings. One way is to focus on the particular, the swirls on the silver dollar shell, the fabric of the flower petal. However , another way is the taking in of the wondrous scenic view, the enormity of the 360 degrees look, so expansive so awesome
But then...there is a caution.
I have a tendency to confuse recognition of differing ways to organize and perceive data with enlightenment. Granted differing ways to perceive the sensory awareness is a precursor to enlightenment, or at times an obstacle. Do I use a close up lens or a wide lens…these are ways to frame the view, but not ways to experience and understand it. Framing the view, organizing the senses are ways to stave off the chaos. In the aggregate such thoughts lead to civilization.

April 19, 2009
At the beach.
I feel at the cusp of a new formative axial age in a self becoming process.It was the juxtaposition of the yoga, the mindful knitting, the sunset, and …the letting go of the tension and fear. Not to undervalue the importance of that sunset. (o dear. its a few days later and I recognize that the the book I am currently reading, The Great Transformation by Karen Armstrong has poked through in my writing style. Please pardon the pretension.)

Mindful knitting,
It’s the pattern, it becomes a mantra chanted with the movement of the fingers and the texture of the fibre. Sometimes the pattern is complex, taking time, attention, and yes some disturbing hours of frustration. Then there is the comfortable patterns allowing the fingers to memorize and providing the place for thoughts to be freed from that concern as well. The senses feel the soft and the mind mellows.There are other metaphors throughout the day. Any action really when done well can become a metaphor for more than itself. It doesn’t pay to search for those deeper meanings; there is pleasure when they discover you instead.
Hum. I find I even need to turn off the computer’s auto spell and grammar check. It has no respect for my frame of mind and keeps using green and red underlines to warn me I am treading into erroneous territory.
I insist on allowing myself this anarchy.

But enough introspection. Its beyond sunrise, I am aware of the waves and there are sunflashes from them interfering with my perceptions. The dog will wait for no pattern or metaphor and my Cockatoo is frantic. Time to don the sandals, the windbreaker and the walking stick, adding one poop bag and one souvenir bag to my ensemble, being careful to keep them separate. I am off.

From Manzanita Oregon